CSGO Rankings Graph

As one of my first forays into SVG graphics was to build a visualisation of CSGO team rankings over time.

The default graph view
The default graph view

To collect data to power this graph, I wrote a small jsdom script to scrape information from HLTV's team ranking pages. Automating the data loading process gave me a big dataset to play around with.

The rankings with all data loaded
The rankings with all data loaded

Building visualisations in SVG gives you the opportunity to make the experience much richer and more tactile. I added some simple filters to make it easier to view the data. I also added some simple interactions like highlights on hover/click which really leverage the SVG implementation to let users focus on specific trends in the data.

Highlighting the Luminosity roster jumping to SK
Highlighting the Luminosity roster jumping to SK

The data in the visualisation hasn't been updated since 2017 so it's a bit out of date, and HTLV have undoubtedly changed their HTML format since so the scraper probably needs to be updated. Nevertheless at the time this was a great way to experiment with SVG, data visualisation and scraping.